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CD 11 – uč. 62 – SONG When I’m Happy

1. I clap my hands when I’m happy,

I clap my hands when I’m happy,

I clap my hands when I’m happy,

Come on and clap with me.

2. I stamp my feet when I’m angry,

I stamp my feet when I’m angry,

I stamp my feet when I’m angry,

Come on and stamp with me.

3. I shake all over when I’m fr-fr-frightened,

I shake all over when I’m frightened,

I shake all over when I’m frightened,

Come on and shake with me.

4. I rub my tummy when I´m hungry,

I rub my tummy when I´m hungry,

I rub my tummy when I´m hungry,

Come on and tummy with me.

5. I yawn when I’m tired,

I yawn when I’m tired,

I yawn when I’m tired,

Come on and yawn with me.

CD 12 – uč. 16

Chloe: Let’s learn about how we feel.

1.      Happy

2.      Sad

3.      Angry

4.      Frightened

5.      Tired

CD 13 – uč. 17

6.       Suprised

7.       Thirsty

8.       Hungry

9.       Shy

10.     Worried

uč. 19

1.  happy                humry                 angry

2.  surprised          frightened          worried

3.  angry                 humry                 happy

4.  thirsty               tired                     worried

5.  sad                     shy                       surprised

6.  worried             thirsty                 frightened

CD 14

1.  Happy Horse

2.  Worried Donkey

3.  Angry Cow

4.  Frightened Bull

5.  Sad Duck

6.  Happy Duck

7.  Hungry Dog

8.  Tired Cat

9.  Thirsty Goat

10.  Surprised Sheep

11.  Shy Rabbit

12.  Angry Hen

13.  Surprised Rooster

CD 15 – uč. 23  – The Angry Bull

Picture 1:            Chloe:                    What big field. Let’s cross it.

Picture 2:            Chloe:                    Oh my! The bull, its running towards us!

Picture 3:            Susie:                     I’m frightened. Run!

Picture 4:            Chloe:                    Here comes Super-Nature.

Adam:                    Look. That cow is Super-Nature.

Picture 5:            Britney:                 Now the bull is happy. He has friend.

Picture 6:            AIl 4 children:       Thank youSuper-Nature.

CD 16 – uč. 24  – The Cat Family


1.  family

2.  group

3.  classify

4.  Persian cat

5.  uma

6.  lion

7.  Siamese cat

8.  cheetah

9.  tiger

CD 17 – uč. 25   - The Dog Family

10.  Poodle

11.  jackal

12.  Pekinese

13.  Dalmatian

14.  wolf

15.  fox

uč. 28  –  You say ……..

yellow dog, green dog, yellow dog………………….

pink sheep, blue sheep, ……………………

brown bull, orange bull, …………………

blue cat, red cat, ……………..

uč. 29

1.  fox                            Pekinese                             Persian cat

2.  angry                        happy                                  happy

3.  surprised                  surprised                            worried

4.  sad                            angry                                   sad

5.  lion                            wolf                                     tiger

6.  shy                             shy                                       happy

7.  frightened cow        frightened donkey            surprised rooster

8.  Poodle                       Siamese cat                       Dalmatian

9.  surprised rooster     thirsty goat                        surprised sheep