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3.lekce SN2

9. 9. 2014

3. lekce

CD 18 – uč. 30 - SONG At the Crossing
I look this way,             (look to the right)
I look that way.            (look to the left)
What can I see?           (put both hands above your eyes in looking mode)
What can I hear?         (cup both hands behind your ears)
I look this way,             (look to the right)
I look that way.            (look to the left)
I cross when no cars are near.
                                        (aI/ pupils pretend to cross to other side
                                         of a zebra crossing)
              I'm skipping up and down the street.
              I need to get to the other side.
              I'm skipping to the crossing.
              And at the crossing I stop.
              I'm running up and down the street.
              I need to get to the other side.
              I'm running to the crossing.
              And at the crossing I stop.
              I'm marching up and down the street.
              I need to get to the other side.
              I'm marching to the crossing.
              And at the crossing I stop.
Refrain x 2
CD 19 – uč. 31
1.  car
2.  bus
3.  zebra crossing
4.  truck
5.  bicycle
6.  motorbike
7.  traffic lights
8.  train
9.  street
uč. 32
1. the cat is near                           the cat is far                      the car is near
2. the train is near                        the train is far                   the truck is far
3. the bicycle is near                    the motorbike is far         the motorbike is near
4. the bus is far                             the duck is far                    the bus is near
5. the traffic lights are near        the truck is near                the truck is far
6. the eagle is near                       the eagle is far                   the forest is far
CD 20 – uč. 33 - Left Right Chant
1. We are marching
Left, right,
Left, right.
2. We are jumping
Left, rig ht,
Left, right.
3. We are looking
Left, right,
Left, right.
4. We are hopping
Left, right,
Left, right.
5. We are clapping
Left, right,
Left, right.
6. We are reaching
Left, right,
Left, right.
7. We are stopping. Stop!
uč. 34
1.  eagle                 bird            cat
2.  bus                     car             horse
3.  motorbike         eye            ear
4.  foot                    dog            hand
5.  forest                 tree           giraffe
6.  traffic lights      knees        zebra crossing
uč. 35, 37 – karty
car, bus, truck, zebra crossing, bicycle, motorbike, train,
traffic lights, street, eagle, forest, hole
CD 21 – uč. 41
Near, far
Let's travel in the car.
Far, near,
Let's stay here.
Look at us
We're going far in the bus
I can hear,
The cat is near!
CD 22 – uč. 42
Britney:      I like travelling by car.         How do you like travelling?
Clive:          I like travelling by train.      How do you like travelling?
Susie:         I like riding my bicycle.        How do you like travelling?
Adam:        I like travelling by bus.        How do you like travelling?
CD 23 – uč. 43 - Down the Cliff
1. Chloe:    It's Wednesday. It's a lovely day. Look! The sun is shining and
                           the sky is blue.
      4 children: We are walking. We are walking. We are walking in the sunshine.
2. Chloe: Oh no, it's cloudy. It's going to rain.
      4 children: We are running. We are running. We are running to get home.
3. Chloe: It's raining.
     4 children: We are running fast. We a~ing fast. We are running fast.
     Adam: Help! I've fallen down the cliff.
4.   Chloe: Here comes Super-Nature.
5.   Susie: Super-Nature is a monkey.
       Britney: No. Super-Nature isn't a monkey. Super-Nature is an ape.
       Clive: I'm holding on to Super-Nature's back.
6.   Adam: Thank you, Super-Nature.
CD 24 – uč. 44
1. Air
2. Hot
4. Equator
5. Wet / dry
6. Toucan
7. Gorilla
8. Bonobo
9. Alligator
10. Monarch butterfly
CD 25 – uč. 45 - Super-Nature Facts - Rainforests
Tropical rainforests are found around the Equator.
Tropical rainforests are hot, wet places that make most of the world's air.
And lots of very special animals and plants live in them. "-
Rainforests are very important to you and me.
Isn't nature wonderful!
uč. 46
1.   car                                  bus                                            bicycle
2.   truck                              traffic lights                             train
3.   street                            zebra crossing                         train
4.   bus                                 bicycle                                     motorbike
5.   zebra crossing              traffic lights                            motorbike
6.   car                                  street                                       traffic lights
uč. 47
1. head           head           hand
2. feet             toes            feet
3. ears             eyes           ears
4. toes             nose          toes
5. hands          feet           hands
6. knees           arms         arms
7. mouth         nose          nose
8. knees           nose          knees
uč. 49
red mouth, pink mouth, red mouth, ............
blue eyes, green eyes, ......................
orange nose, purple nose, .........................
brown hair, yellow hair, ................................