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6. lekce SN2

6. 9. 2014

6. lekce

CD 42 - uč. 78 - SONG Clothes Rap
I'm covered in clothes
From head to toe
Because I don't want to feel cold.
I'm covered in clothes
From head to toe
Because I don't want to feel cold.
Refrain ....
I've got a hat on my head
And a scarf round my neck
And a big thick sweater on my chest.
Refrain .. ..
I've got trousers on my legs
And socks on my feet
And big black boots on those.
Refrain ....
I've got gloves on my hands
And a coat on my body
And an umbrella in case it rains.                                            Refrain ....
CD 43 - uč. 87 – 88 - Goldilocks and the three Bears – Story (1.část)
1. Once upon a time, three bears lived
in a house in a forest. There was a
Daddy Bear, a Mummy Bear and a Baby
Bear. One morning, Mummy Bear made
porridge for them all for breakfast.
The porridge was too hot. So they went
for a walk.
2. A little girl called Goldilocks lived with
her mother and father on the edge of the
forest. Early one morning, Goldilocks
got up and went for a walk along the
path in the forest.
3. She found the bears' house.
She knocked on the door. No-one
answered. She opened the door and
walked in. On the table, there were
three bowls of porridge.
4. Goldilocks was hungry. She tasted
the porridge from the big bowl. "This
porridge is too hot," she exclaimed.
5. So, she tasted the porridge from the
medium-sized bowl. "This porridge is too
cold," she said.
6. So, she tasted the little bowl of
porridge. "Ahhh, this porridge is just
right," she said happily and she ate it all
CD 44 - uč. 89 – 90 Story (2.část)
7. After she'd eaten Baby Bear's
breakfast, she felt tired.
She saw three chairs. Goldilocks
sat in the big chair to rest her feet.
"This chair is too hard," she said.
8. So she sat in the medium-sized
chair. "This chair is too soft,"
she said.
9. So she tried the little chair.
"Ahhh, this chair is just right," she
sighed. But the chair broke!
10. Now Goldilocks was very tired.
She found three beds. She lay down
on the big bed. "This bed is too hard,"
she said .
11 . Then she lay down on the mediumsize
bed. "This bed is too soft,"
she said.
12. Then she lay down on the little bed.
"This bed is just right," she said.
Goldilocks fell asleep.
CD 45 - uč. 91 – 92 Story (3. část)
13. As she was sleeping, the three
bears came home.
"Someone's been eating my porridge,"
growled Daddy Bear.
"Someone's been eating my porridge,"
said Mummy Bear.
"Someone's been eating my porridge
and eaten it all up!" Cried Baby Bear.
14. "Someone's been sitting in
my chair," growled Daddy Bear.
"Someone's been sitting in my chair,"
said Mummy Bear.
"Someone's been sitting in my chair
and they've broken it," cried Baby
15. They looked at the beds. Daddy
Bear growled: "Someone's been
sleeping in my bed."
"Someone's been sleeping in my bed,"
said Mummy Bear.
"Someone's been sleeping in my bed
and she's still there," exclaimed Baby
16. Goldilocks woke up and saw the
three bears. She screamed: "Help!"
17. But Baby Bear said: "Don't be
frightened! Let's be friends."
18. Now Goldilocks and the three
bears are friends. And they all lived
happily ever after.
CD 46 – uč. 93 - Days of the Week Chant
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
What day of the week is it today?
What day of the week is it?
What day of the week is it today?
Today is Friday.
What day of the week is it today?
What day of the week is it?
What day of the week is it today?
Today is Wednesday.
What day of the week is it today?
What day of the week is it?
What day of the week is it today?
Today is Tuesday.
CD 47 - uč. 93 - SONG On Sunday We Sleep
On Sunday, we sleep.
On Monday, we meet.
On Tuesday, we talk.
On Wednesday, we walk.
On Thursday, we throw.
On Friday, we follow.
On Saturday, we seek.
And that's the end of the week.
CD 48  - uč. 94 - Super-Nature Facts - Apes and Monkeys
Orang-utans, chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas and gibbons are apes.
Spider monkeys, tamarins, marmosets, baboons, capuchin monkeys
and howler monkeys are all monkeys.
Apes and monkeys and humans - yes, you and me - are all primates.
Isn't nature wonderful!
CD 49 - uč. 95
The Ape Family:1. chimpanzee 2. orangutan 3. baboon 4. Gibbon 5. gorilla 6. bonabo
The Monkey Family: 7. marmoset  8. spider monkey 9. Tamarin 10. capuchin monkey
                                                  11 . howler monkey
CD 50 - Super-Nature Facts - Apes and Monkeys
Apes don't have tails. Most monkeys do have tails. Apes are more like
people: some can make tools and use language. Koko is a famous gorilla.
She uses human sign language to talk to us. She knows over 1000 words
and can understand people speaking.
Isn't nature wonderful!
uč. 97
1.  fox                                   socks                           dog
2.  scarf                                sweater                       I can hear thunder
3.  chair                                bed                              porridge
4.  puma                               hat                               cat
5.  I can see lightening       gloves                          I can hear thunder
6.  monkey                           ape                               river


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